Instal.lar impressora Ricoh SP204 SFN amb Linux

Ricoh no dona suport a Linux… doncs cal que ens espavilem.

Us deixo material per poder-ho fer aquí

git clone

Consell instal.lar els seguents paquets: cups-driver-gutenprint git, jbigkit-bin, printer-driver-foo2zjs

1) Open terminal, execute sh check-requirements script, you should see, that
all required components are correctly installed and available.

2) Install unavailable components

3) Copy `pstoricohddst-gdi` to cups’ filters directory (usually

4) Make sure it is executable by lp user and owned by root:root (i.e.
chown root:root pstoricohddst-gdi)

5) Add printer through CUPS’ web interface (usually
http://localhost:631/), click ‘Choose file’ and select one of provided PPD-files

6) Print!

A part d’això he tingut problema de permisos que he tingut que canviar amb:

chmod 755 /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoricohddst-gdi

També hem faltava un paquet:

apt-get install jbigkit-bin

Sort !!!

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