UniFi Video 3.1.x
Between Camera & NVR
- 22 – SSH
- 6666 – Live FLV for incoming Gen2 camera streams
- 7080 – WebSockets/HTTP
- 7443 – WebSockets/HTTPS
Between Client & NVR
- 7080 – HTTP web UI & API
- 7443 – HTTPS web UI & API
- 7445 – Video over HTTP
- 7446 – Video over HTTPS
- 7447 – RTSP re-streaming via Controller
UniFi Video 3.0.x
- 1935, by user (RTMP video)
- 7443, by user (HTTPS), by camera (HTTPS)
- 7080, by user (HTTP), by camera (HTTP)
- 6666, by camera (video push)
airVision 2.x *
The following ports are used on airVision host:
- 1935 (TCP), by user, RTMP (Video)
- 7443 (TCP), by user, HTTPS
- 7080 (TCP), by user, HTTP
- 123 (UDP), by airCam, NTP
The following ports are used on airCam[X,Y,Z] device:
- 554 (TCP), by airVision, RTSP
- 22 (TCP), by airVision, SSH
* External or remote access using third-party applications (i.e. smart-phones apps) also requires an airVision account used for authentication enabled with PKI Key access (see airVision User Accounts tab for details) before any video data is allowed to be rendered (viewed) outside of the airVision management interfaces.
airVision 1.x
NVR to Camera: ports on camera
- 80 (TCP), HTTP
- 554 (TCP), RTSP
airVision to Camera: ports on camera
- 80 (TCP), HTTP
- 554 (TCP), RTSP
- 10001 (UDP), UBNT Discovery Protocol (not necessary if/when devices are managed by hand)
airVision to NVR: ports on NVR
- 7079 (TCP), HTTP
- 9112 (UDP/TCP), UBNT Discovery Protocol
Browser to airVision management console: ports on airVision server (Forward these ports on firewall(s) to access airVision remotely.)
- 7443 (TCP), HTTPS
- 7080 (TCP), HTTP
- 843 (TCP), Adobe Flash Policy