David Samaniego i Casademont

xarxes i telecomunicacions

David Samaniego i Casademont

Unifi Video i els ports utilitzats en diferents versions NVR

UniFi Video 3.1.x

Between Camera & NVR

  • 22 – SSH
  • 6666 – Live FLV for incoming Gen2 camera streams
  • 7080 – WebSockets/HTTP
  • 7443 – WebSockets/HTTPS

Between Client & NVR

  • 7080 – HTTP web UI & API
  • 7443 – HTTPS web UI & API
  • 7445 – Video over HTTP
  • 7446 – Video over HTTPS
  • 7447 – RTSP re-streaming via Controller

UniFi Video 3.0.x

  • 1935, by user (RTMP video)
  • 7443, by user (HTTPS), by camera (HTTPS)
  • 7080, by user (HTTP), by camera (HTTP)
  • 6666, by camera (video push)

airVision 2.x *

The following ports are used on airVision host:

  • 1935 (TCP), by user, RTMP (Video)
  • 7443 (TCP), by user, HTTPS
  • 7080 (TCP), by user, HTTP
  • 123 (UDP), by airCam, NTP

The following ports are used on airCam[X,Y,Z] device:

  • 554 (TCP), by airVision, RTSP
  • 22 (TCP), by airVision, SSH

* External or remote access using third-party applications (i.e. smart-phones apps) also requires an airVision account used for authentication enabled with PKI Key access (see airVision User Accounts tab for details) before any video data is allowed to be rendered (viewed) outside of the airVision management interfaces.
airVision 1.x

NVR to Camera: ports on camera

  • 80 (TCP), HTTP
  • 554 (TCP), RTSP

airVision to Camera: ports on camera

  • 80 (TCP), HTTP
  • 554 (TCP), RTSP
  • 10001 (UDP), UBNT Discovery Protocol (not necessary if/when devices are managed by hand)

airVision to NVR: ports on NVR

  • 7079 (TCP), HTTP
  • 9112 (UDP/TCP), UBNT Discovery Protocol

Browser to airVision management console: ports on airVision server (Forward these ports on firewall(s) to access airVision remotely.)

  • 7443 (TCP), HTTPS
  • 7080 (TCP), HTTP
  • 843 (TCP), Adobe Flash Policy

Instal.lar Aircontrol 2 en un debian 7

Entrem com sudo

apt-get update; apt-get install openjdk-7-jre traceroute iperf
wget http://www.ubnt.com/downloads/aircontrol2/aircontrol-v2.0–ubuntu.deb
dpkg -i aircontrol-v2.0–ubuntu.deb

Canvier l’enllaç per la versió que us interessi… jo he provat la beta 15

Si voleu passar les dades d’una màquina a una altre heu de passar els arxius de la carpeta /opt/Ubiquiti/AirControl2/lib/db

Salut !!

Crear llançadors al escriptori d’Ubuntu

Si voleu fer un estic “accés directe” tansols cal instal.lar el paquet

sudo apt-get install gnome-panel

Llavors podeu fer els que volgueu amb la comanda:

gnome-desktop-item-edit ~/Escriptori --create-new

I busqueu el programet dins /usr/bin/

També podeu fer que us llanci una aplicació com a root posant suda al davant

Salut !!




Instal.lar impressora Ricoh SP204 SFN amb Linux

Ricoh no dona suport a Linux… doncs cal que ens espavilem.

Us deixo material per poder-ho fer aquí

git clone https://github.com/madlynx/ricoh-sp100

Consell instal.lar els seguents paquets: cups-driver-gutenprint git, jbigkit-bin, printer-driver-foo2zjs

1) Open terminal, execute sh check-requirements script, you should see, that
all required components are correctly installed and available.

2) Install unavailable components

3) Copy `pstoricohddst-gdi` to cups’ filters directory (usually

4) Make sure it is executable by lp user and owned by root:root (i.e.
chown root:root pstoricohddst-gdi)

5) Add printer through CUPS’ web interface (usually
http://localhost:631/), click ‘Choose file’ and select one of provided PPD-files

6) Print!

A part d’això he tingut problema de permisos que he tingut que canviar amb:

chmod 755 /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoricohddst-gdi

També hem faltava un paquet:

apt-get install jbigkit-bin

Sort !!!

Instal.lar impressora brother DCP-J152W al linux

Bones, acabo de canviar la impressora per una barateta i compatible amb tot el que faig servir…. linux, cups, android, wifi…

Vaig segir les intruccions de la plana del fabricant sense problemes

Step1. Download the tool.(linux-brprinter-installer-*.*.*-*.gz)

The tool will be downloaded into the default “Download” directory.
(The directory location varies depending on your Linux distribution.)
e.g. /home/(LoginName)/Download

Step2. Open a terminal window and go to the directory you downloaded the file to in the last step.

Step3. Enter this command to extract the downloaded file:

Command: gunzip linux-brprinter-installer-*.*.*-*.gz

Step4. Get superuser authorization with the “su” command or “sudo su” command.

Step5. Run the tool:

Command: bash linux-brprinter-installer-*.*.*-* DCP-J152W


Comandes bàsics per Unifi’s

A vegades ens convé accedir per ssh als unifis per fer un reset de fàbrica perquè no els podem adoptar…

  • Reset AP to Factory Default
    syswrapper.sh restore-default
  • Manually Upgrade AP
    syswrapper.sh upgrade http://ip-of-controller:8080/dl/firmware/BZ2/
  • Enter CLI
  • Set Inform Server
    set-inform http://ip-of-controller:8080/inform